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FAQ's – Board of certified Safety Professionals
  1. What is BCSP?

    BCSP stands for Board of Certified Safety Professionals established in 1969 Andis recognized as the leader in high quality credentialing for safety, health, and environmental practitioners. BCSP establishes standards for and verifies competency in professional safety practice and evaluates certificants for compliance with recertification requirements. BCSP also operates technician, technologist, and supervisory SH&E certifications that provide additional career paths for safety practitioners. Located in Indianapolis, US.

  2. What does a BCSP do?

    They provide Career Paths in Safety. There are many ways to enter the safety field and advance along a career path. Learn how you can progress as a safety professional. It outlines a career path through education, experience, and certification at the basic, technologist/technician, and professional levels.

  3. Why Become Certified? Benefits of becoming a Safety Professional?

    There are three major reasons safety professionals become certified: respectability, marketability and salary differentiation. The easiest way to earn the respect of the professional safety community is to achieve certification.

  4. What is a “GOLD STANDARD “Certification from BCSP?

    Attaining the “gold standard” certification, notifies fellow safety professionals and employers alike that you have met the rigorous educational, experience and examination requirements. The easiest way to earn the respect of the professional safety community is to achieve certification from BCSP, which is also called as “GOLD STANDARD “Certification.

  5. What is the Importance of Certification?

    Growth in Certifications Both employers and employees increasingly rely on certification because those working in human resources do not know the details of a particular area of practice. Employers understand candidates who have a certification from a quality source, such as BCSP, demonstrate competence through independent assessment. Holding quality certifications, dual certifications and demonstrating competency through quality certification programs can open doors to employment, Why Become advancement, leadership, contracts and compensation.

  6. What are the certifications that come under BCSP?


    TUTIS currently provides workshop for CSP, ASP, OHST and CHST.

  7. How can TUTIS help you?

    To achieve BCSP Certification a solid and standard workshop program is essential in order to understand all exam tips and question techniques. We aim towards inculcating further achievement of BCSP certificate. We have a certified Safety professional as our trainer who will give you a practice session in the workshop.

    • CSP: 8 Days, Total 32hrs workshop
    • ASP: 6 Days, Total 32hrs workshop
    • OHST & CHST: 5 Days, Total 20hrs workshop
  8. How do I get started?
    • Eligibility Test
    • Have Enough Experience
    • Have an Accredited Degree
    • Apply Online
    • Purchase Your Exam
    • Sit for Your Exam
    • Pay an Annual Renewal Fee and Meet Recertification Requirements
  9. What is CSP?

    Certified Safety Professional (CSP) are persons who perform at least 50% of professional level safety duties, including making worksite assessments to determine risks, assessing potential hazards and controls, evaluating risks and hazard control measures, investigating incidents, maintaining and evaluating incident and loss records, and preparing emergency response plans. Other duties could include hazard recognition, fire protection, regulatory compliance, health hazard control, ergonomics, hazardous materials management, environmental protection, training, accident and incident, investigations, advising management, record keeping, emergency response, managing safety programs, product safety and/or security.

  10. What is the education & experience eligibility for CSP?
    • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in any field or an associate in safety, health, or the environment, or a closely related field.
    • Will have 4 years of safety experience where safety is at least 50%, preventative, professional level with breadth and depth of safety duties.

    Will have any of these BCSP-Approved Credential

    • Associate Safety Professional (ASP)
    • Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP)
    • Certified Industrial Hygienist® (CIH®)
    • Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH)
    • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
    • Professional Member of the Singapore Institute of Safety Officers (SISO)
    • NEBOSH National or International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
    • Diploma in Industrial Safety by Government of India
  11. What are the content covered in CSP workshop?
    • Probability
    • Statistics
    • Engineering economy
    • SH&E engineering
    • SH&E management
    • SH&E information management
    • Professional conduct and ethics
  12. What is ASP?

    Associate Safety Professionals (ASP) are persons who performs at least 50% of professional level safety duties including; are making worksite assessments to determine risks, potential hazards and controls, evaluating risks and hazard control measures, investigating incidents, maintaining and evaluating incident and loss records, and preparing emergency response plans. Other duties could include; hazard recognition, fire protection, regulatory compliance, health hazard control, ergonomics, hazardous materials management, environmental protection, training, accident and incident, investigations, advising management, record keeping, emergency response, managing safety programs, product safety and/or security.

  13. What is the education & experience eligibility for ASP?
    • Will have a minimum of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in any field or an associate in safety, health, or the environment, or a closely related field
    • Will have 1-year of safety experience where safety is at least 50%, preventative, professional level with breadth and depth of safety duties
  14. What are the content covered in ASP workshop?
    • Calculator
    • Algebra
    • Trigonometry
    • Physics
    • Probability
    • Statistics
    • SH&E engineering
    • SH&E management
    • SH&E information management
    • SH&E communication
    • Professional conduct and ethics
  15. What is OHST?

    Occupational Health and Safety Technologists (OHST) are persons who perform occupational health and safety activities on a full-time or part-time basis as part of their job duties. Some examples of occupational health and safety activities (also performed by loss control specialists) are making worksite assessments to determine risks, potential hazards and controls, evaluating risks and hazard control measures, investigating incidents, maintaining and evaluating incident and loss records, and preparing emergency response plans.

  16. What is the education & experience eligibility for OHST?
    • High School Diploma or GED
    • Will work part-time or full-time in occupational health or safety (35% is the minimum) and have duties that require technical skills and knowledge in occupational health or safety
    • Will have three years of experience in occupational health or safety
  17. What are the content covered in OHST workshop?
    • Assessing Safety, Health, Environmental and Security Risk
    • Hazard Control and Loss Prevention
    • Verification and Continuous Improvement
  18. What is CHST?

    Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) offers a certification for individuals who work in a construction craft or are construction safety specialists .This certification is designed for individuals who demonstrate competency and work part-time or full-time in health and safety activities devoted to the prevention of construction illnesses and injuries. The CHST certification meets national standards for certifications.

  19. What is the education & experience eligibility for CHST?
    • High School Diploma or GED
    • Will have three years of experience in construction experience where at least 35% of primary job duties involve safety & health.
  20. What are the content covered in CHST workshop?
    • Program Management
    • Worksite Auditing
    • Training
    • Professional Responsibility 
  21. Do You Have An Accredited Degree?

    For a certification with a degree requirement (CSP and ASP), BCSP needs the educational institution to hold institutional accreditation from an accreditation body with institutional accrediting authority recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and/or the U.S. Department of Education. Degrees earned outside the U.S. must be evaluated for equivalency. Unaccredited degrees are disqualified. The degree must be awarded during the period of accreditation. More information regarding the academic requirement can be found on The Education Standard page.

  22. I am just starting out in health and safety,what would you recommend?

    You can start up as an ASPif you have minimum of 1 year experience where safety is at least 50%, preventative, professional level with breadth and depth of safety duties. And as your experience grows you can go for the highest certification.
  23. What is the certification Process?

    We need to apply online BCSP requires you to create a profile at bcsp.org to start the application process. You will need to login for the first time by creating an account through the “My Profile” portal on the right hand corner of every bcsp.org webpage. Once you have created your account you will click on the “Apply for Certification” menu button to start your application.

    Once the profile is created. You can Apply for certification, manage the application online. BCSP has certain required credentials that has to be met by the applying candidate. Once your eligibility test is done.

    We need to wait for the Confirmation from BCSP. Once our application is approved. We need to take up the exam from Pearson VUE.

  24. What is Pearson VUE?

    BCSP's examination service provider, Pearson VUE, has hundreds of test centers located around the world (locate a test center). Pearson VUE test centers are open every business day, some also having weekend and holiday hours. Examinations are delivered via computer at the test center. As soon as candidates submit their exam, official results are available. Candidates who fail may still be eligible to purchase a new examination.

  25. I have some experience in safety and health, Am I eligible?

    In addition to the academic requirement, BCSP candidates must have professional safety experience. Professional safety experience must meet all of the following criteria to be considered acceptable by BCSP:

    Professional safety must be a function of the position

    The responsibility must be the prevention of harm to people, property, and the environment, rather than responsibility for responding to harmful events. (*CETs must have 135 hours of training in safety.)

  26. How can we Purchase, Schedule, and Sit for the Exam?

    Once your application has been approved you may purchase an examination at any time during your 1-year eligibility period by logging in to “My Profile” at bcsp.org and clicking on the “Purchase Exam” menu button. BCSP will notify the examination service that you are an eligible candidate so you may schedule a convenient time to sit for the exam and you can contact Pearson VUE.

  27. What is the fee structure from BCSP?




    Eligibility Extension






















  28. What are the education criteria for a person to wave out and go for CSP?

    Must have any of these

    • Associate Safety Professional (ASP)
    • Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP)
    • Certified Industrial Hygienist® (CIH®)
    • Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH)
    • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
    • Professional Member of the Singapore Institute of Safety Officers (SISO)
    • NEBOSH National or International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
    • Diploma in Industrial Safety by Government of India
  29. What type of Calculators are allowed?
    • Casio models FX-115, -250, -260 or -300
    • Hewlett Packard models HP 9, 10, 12 or 30
    • Texas Instruments models TI-30, -34, -35 or -36 (No calculator for CET)
  30. What is the examination time allowed?

    CSP:  5.5 hours, 200 Questions with multiple choice

    ASP: 5 hours, 200 Questions with multiple choice

    CHST & OHST: 4 hours, 200 Questions with multiple choice

  31. How long will I have to wait to get my results?

    It’s a computer based exam. So we will get the results immediately.

  32. If I fail in the examination, will I be eligible to purchase a new examination?

    Once your application has been approved you may purchase examination again at any time during your 1-year of eligibility period.

  33. What is the passing score & Recertification point for BCSP Certification?
    • CSP: 54.86%, 25 Points
    • ASP: 60.57%, 25 Points
    • OHST: 67.42%,20 Points
    • CHST: 61.70%,20 Points
  34. Do we have to pay an Annual Renewal Fee and Meet Recertification Requirements?

    After completing all of the requirements, BCSP will award candidates who pass the certification exam the credential. All certifications are awarded on an annual basis and those holding one must pay an annual fee in order to retain the use. All credential holds must remain up-to-date with changes in professional practice by compiling their Recertification points every five years.

  35. How can I track my Recertification Point?

    Track activities and Recertification points earned when you login to My Profile. You will find you have access to a Recertification Worksheet. The activities you record will be saved, making it easy to enter them at any time. Recertification Worksheets can be submitted from July 1 of your reporting year through the deadline of March 31 of the following year.

  36. How to retain the CSP, ASP, CHST, OHST certification?
    • Pay an annual renewal fee
    • Meet Recertification requirements
  37. How is the recertification Point Categorized to?

    25 Points Every 5 Years for ASP/CSP. 20 Points Every 5 Years for OHST/CHST.

    10 Point Categories (Some with Point Limitations)

    • Practice
    • Membership
    • Organizational Service
    • Publishing, Presenting, Patents
    • Service to BCSP
    • Professional Development Conferences
    • Safety-Related Courses, Seminars, Quizzes
    • Continuing Education
    • New Advanced Degree
    • Other Certifications/Re-Examination
  38. What is NCCA? How is it concerned with BCSP?

    The BCSP credentials CSP, OHST, CHST, and STS are nationally accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), while the ASP and STSC are in the process of achieving the same accreditation.

  39. What should we carry for the examination Center?

    You are expected to arrive early at the testing center. If you are 15 or more minutes late, you will not be allowed to enter and will forfeit your non-refundable Examination Authorization. You must bring a valid, unexpired government-issued ID bearing both your picture and signature. Acceptable identifications include a permanent North American state or provincial driver’s license/identification card, military identification card, national identification card, European Identity card, or permanent resident card; if you are testing in a country NOT of your citizenship, your passport will be required. Your name on the provided ID must exactly match your name on file with BCSP.

  40. How long do I need to prepare for BCSP Exams?

    It depends on each persons, 2hrs of constant study everyday will need 2-3months to prepare for the exams. Lot of analytical and interactive sessions conducted in workshop will help you to take up these exams confidently.

  41. Application is approved, when should I purchase for the exam?

    Once your applicationis approved, you have to purchase the exam within 90 days. But your approved application will be eligible for 1 year.

  42. How many exams can I purchase once my application is approved?

    Once an applicant is approved and is exam eligible, they may purchase as many examinations in their eligibility time period as they would like. The limiting factor is the cost of each examination, as the examination fee is paid each time the exam is attempted.

  43. What is the overview of certification process?

  44. What are the benefits of Workshop provided by TUTIS?
    • TUTIS helps you in clearing the certification at the first attempt.
    • Workshops are scheduled in multiple locations (Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi & India).
    • Our trainer defines the scope of the exam, illustrate the complexity of problems to be encountered, review all required basic math skills, discuss test strategy, examine reference materials.
    • In our workshops we provide professionally published workbook, BCSP approved scientific calculator, pencils, notepad .We also provide consolidated study material, which will have theoretical, mathematical based solutions with flash cards and questions with multiple choices.
    • During the safety workshop participants will learn all domains identified on the BCSP Exam Blueprint.
    • We provide a session of how the scientific calculator can be used to solve that practical questions.
    • If you fail the exam within 6 months of attending a workshop, you can retake the workshop for free of charge.
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